Client: Home Kind Care

Provider of in-home nursing and disability support services to NDIS participants. The client had created her website, including content, but now wanted to incorporate SEO principles. This was also an opportunity to highlight ‘what’s different’ and better reflect the ethos and specialties of the organisation, in the copy.


Copywriting services provided:

  • Keyword research.
  • Re-write of home page, plus three additional key pages to incorporate SEO.
  • Provision of meta titles, meta descriptions and image alt tags to enhance SEO.
  • Update of Google Business Profile, plus creation of weekly Google posts that incorporate keywords.
Website rewrite before and after by Keep Up Copywriting

“I am soo happy with what you’ve written. You really captured what I wanted to say. You’ve taken a huge weight from my mind…and shoulders too. Thank you so much.”


Home Kind Care